Tuesday, May 6, 2014


We are taught that rich people are intelligent. They must be intelligent because they know how to make money right!

A truly intelligent person would not see the accumulation of wealth as the primary goal in life. A truly intelligent person would accumulate enough for their family and themselves to live comfortable while leaving the rest of earths resources for future generations.

These people who are controlled by greed are really the stupid people. They do not have enough intelligence to see that the faster they use up earths resources the sooner earth will go into thermal runaway.

Thermal runaway is when earth's atmosphere is covered with so much carbon that heat cannot escape to outer space. The sun is pushing the same amount of heat and if the heat gained is greater than the heat lost the temperature will rise.

The rising temperature will cause forest fires which will send more carbon into the atmosphere causing a further rise in temperature. These dead scorched trees cannot extract carbon from atmosphere hence more warming.

If richness was intelligence these rich people would not want to pin Russia's in a corner to steal their oil resources. Instead they would be supporting green technology and alternate renewable energy methods.

NATO. and the US. are wasting billions of gallons oil using these bombers, tanks, warships,.....etc.
They want to install a hypocracy in Russia to give away the oil, similar to the Shah oh Iran. 

They want to create a system in Russia like their own system in Europe and America where a  chosen few control and own the resources of their countries.

This greed is instilled for generations into the people. The average person believes that to be rich is to be smart. They have been misinformed all of their lives. These rich people who all have ties with the military complex are idiots. You the average person who has been brainwashed all your life, is also an idiot because you can overcome the brainwashing if you are intelligent.

The solution:

Drop the pay to a quarter of what it is for the supreme court, Congress, Senate, Generals....... 

Implement a zero growth economy, shutdown the military industrial complex.

Make it illegal for Congress to do insider trading like the rest of us.

Implement a fixed pay scale for salaries. You cannot close the gap between rich and poor by raising the minimum wage. Within a year the rich which control commerce will increase the price of everything to suck up the benefits of the increase in minimum wage.

The only way is to have fixed salaries for labor, from the CEO. Right down to the person who sweep out the office. Companies should be too big to own. Companies should be owned by the people. They like to use dirty words like state capitalism, but this is the only way to save earth for our grand children.

Since they say that the government cannot do anything properly, then state capitalism would do the trick automatically.

Wouldn't  this be better than the alternative of destroying earth in forty years, just to maintain a few billionaires .

Implement a zero growth economy now before it is too late.

Unuseminucum 5/6/14